Module Title,                  QQI Level 6
Title of Assessment,        Marketing Management
  • Develop a customized Strategic Marketing Plan
Mission Statement.
The procedure for managing a company is complex and ambiguous. It begins from the moment the idea of creating a company/structure appears and continues even when the company is no longer on the market. The idea of creating a company is already planning and managing, structuring, delegating, financing, and distributing financial flows.
There is the concept of a marketing year, five years, and a decade. As a rule, the marketing year does not coincide with the calendar year and it began to fall on a period of calm or balance when it is convenient to take stock and outline long-term, tactical and practical plans.
A company, like a person, lives every day, hour, and minute, and you cannot leave it unattended even for a second. Now we will consider only a small time interval, which, of course, is connected with the past and has a certain future.
The creation of the company brought together several people with close ties in the fields of agricultural production, logistics, finance, and digital technologies. The founders drew up a strategic plan for the creation and further development of the company and also systematized the general parameters as below.
The company's corporate goals are set for a period initially of one year and prospectively for five years. The first year of working out the interaction between structural divisions, the payback of the company's operation, and the minimum profitability with a total turnover of 6000 MT with a further perspective growth of 30% per year.
The plan is designed to evolve based on market requirements, business direction, and what competitors are doing. An increase in trade turnover is possible by up to 10% in terms of logistics and financing, as well as a change in the direction of commodity flows.
Business owners used a model that is practical for their business, namely:
  • Expert opinion: consultations were held with experts in the field of marketing agricultural products and taken into account,
  • Client intentions: Conducted surveys of potential clients to predict intentions and reflected in the plan.
  • Extrapolation (Time Series Model): Statistical analysis (last year's customs base) of a similar situation is made and extrapolation of previous results is to predict parameters.
  • Testing (Econometric Model): Sent samples of goods (set of 5 goods of 1 kg each) as a pilot test and received confirmation of purchase, terms, and estimated volumes and price.
There is the International trading company PAS Ltd presented on worldwide market agricultural commodities. We will start with the company name PAS (slogan - Professional Accuracy Service) well known on local CIS market (USSR) and international market.
Company has own trade mark and website
  • Structure of the company with basic stuff responsibility:
  1. Purchasing department 4 employers, (local market, farmers, inside trader, self-employed,);
Purchase of goods on the domestic market, fulfillment of contracts for the delivery of goods to the transshipment complex, mutual settlements.
Mr. Green is the head of the department. His responsibilities include the implementation of a strategic plan regarding the purchase of goods, information support regarding the prices of competitors in the market and entering this information into the Company's Coordination Platform for further use by company employees with appropriate access (display, editing, etc.)
  1. Selling department 2 employers (traders, local customers, distributors, 51/49 JV); Sale of goods to the foreign market, fulfillment of contracts for the delivery of goods from the transshipment complex to the vessel at the port of loading / unloading, mutual settlements.
  2. Logistic/ execution department 2 employers (freight, flowing of documents));
Ensuring the continuous movement of goods. Chartering containers, ordering vehicles. Issuance and control of the movement of accompanying documentation with goods and mail.
Execution of the contract. Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers (frequently, and originally, military organizations).
Logistics of flowing money during execution contracts of vessels’ shipments. (database MS Access).
Documentary logistics - Department
1 Contract of Purchase, GAFTA, FOSFA, B/G, L/C, CAD - Execution
2 Contract of Sale, GAFTA, FOSFA B/G, L/C, CAD - Execution
3 Nomination of the vessel/ Booking of containers. Execution
4.1 Containers/ Vessels data to Shippers, Execution
4.2 Containers/ Vessels data to Buyers. Execution
4.3 Containers/ Vessels data to Bank. Execution
4.4 Containers/ Vessels data to Bank’s Liberation. Execution
4.5 Containers/ Vessels data to Brokers. Execution
5 Payment to shippers
5.1 Invoices from Shippers/ Sellers. Account
5.2 Payments to Shippers/ Sellers. Account
  1. Loading
6.1 Documentary instruction fm Buyer to Shippers. Execution
6.2 Documentary instruction fm Buyer to Forwarding agent. Execution
6.3 Documentary instruction fm Buyer to Customs broker. Execution
6.4 Nomination of surveyor (GAFTA, FOSFA, ISO, GOST, DSTU). Execution
6.5 Nomination of Fumigation company. Execution
6.6 Drafts of shipping documents forwarding agent. Execution
6.7 Original of shipping documents. Execution
  1. Marketing Development & HR department (2 employers) monitors the implementation of the strategic plan, identifies strengths and weaknesses, external and internal sides, and also suggests and recommends ways to solve them using: customs data base, commodities map (segmentation) competitors, SWOT, Boston Matric, Forex, fundamental and technical analyses;
The coordinating center of the company work with a support system for all departments, including qualification control and professional development of employees.
  1. Financial department 2 employers (credit line, CAD, LC, flowing of money); Providing commodity flows with money supply and mutual settlements with suppliers and consumers.
  2. IT department 2 employers (support, www,) Support and maintenance.
Company activity.
The company has been on the market for several years and has a good reputation for trading in agricultural products, mostly oilseeds. organisational mission to establish shipments of agricultural commodities to Europe and Asia and marketing goals are to prove stable grooving of number of shipments, corporate strategy to promote company trade mark in Asia, South West and North West of Europe.
Silo for FCLs transshipment. Engineering and transport equipment
The capacity of simultaneous storage - 20 kt:
  • 4 metal silos produced by Symaga Silos, Spain, with capacity of 8400 t;
  • 3 warehouses with a capacity of 10000 t;
  • Grain dryer produced by DSP-50, productivity 50 t/h;
  • Cleaning equipment - Separator BSH-100 with the capacity of 100 t/h, produced by Khorolsky Mechanical Plant, Ukraine;
  • Railway reception capacity - 700 t/24 hours ;
3 lines of truck loading total - 2000t/24 hours
The company has been on the market for several years operating with goods:
This strategic planning mission includes goals, corporate strategy, marketing goals, plans and objectives.
During the strategic planning process, the company created the basis for the marketing plan, that outlines the actions to be taken to implement and control the organization's marketing activities.
Marketing plan
The new marketing year will start in June with rapeseed, followed by sunflowers in July and soybeans in September.
We will consider in more detail the marketing plan for sunflower seeds, the collection of which will begin in July after rapeseed.
Last 2022 marketing year company have shipped 800 MT sunflower seeds (conventional, organic).
We are planning to deliver in 2023 marketing year 1400 (4x350 MT) MT sunflower seeds
(conventional, organic, confectionary, GMO, NON GMO) in containers 20/40 feet, packing in bulk, 25/50 kg PP bags, big bags, liner bags to the following destinations:
- 350 MT Organic oily sunflower seeds NON GMO, Purity min 99%, packing in 1 MT big bags with company Trade Mark “PAS”, 500 euro per MT CFR Rotterdam, Holland; shipment July 50 MT, August 150 MT, September 150 MT;
- 350 MT sunflower seeds (grade “Iregy” – small size for pets), Purity min 99%, packing in 25 kg paper bags with company Trade Mark “PAS”, 450 euro per MT CFR Barcelona, Spain; shipment July 50 MT, August 150 MT, September 150 MT
- 350 MT Conventional oily sunflower seeds, packing in bulk, Purity min 98%, 480 euro per MT CFR Mumbai, India, shipment July 50 MT, August 150 MT, September 150 MT
- 350 MT Conventional confectionary sunflower seeds grade “Pioneer”, Purity min 99.9%, packing in 50 kg PP bags with company Trade Mark “PAS”, 480 euro per MT CFR Mersin, Turkey, shipment July 50 MT, August 150 MT, September 150 MT
Prices will be monitored via Budapest Stock Exchange (+20 euro per MT to Budapest Stock Exchange price of EXW Incoterms 2020)
State of the business on markets.
Determining the current state of the business, where you would like to be in the future, and what key indicators and initiatives should be monitored and developed to achieve this target state.
Based on statistic information from customs authorities which was analysed by development department and founded that last year, the main consignments of shipments were in the directions of Europe and Asia.
We have good and trusted customers in Spain and Holland with stable margin, and risky country India and constantly demanded from Turkey.
The main competitors in the country of shipment / origin are located in the area of the three main ports of Odessa, Yuzhny, Chernomorsk, where there are also strategic container routes to Europe and Asia. Competitors and SWOT analyses in terms of location and - distances from the transhipment complex to the container terminal
1. PAS company distance to terminals 15 and 10 kilometres
2. Company AST distance to terminals 25 and 20 kilometres
3. TAS company distance to terminals 30 and 20 kilometres
- distances from the transhipment complex to the route (convenience and recognition)
1. PAS company distance to the highway 5 and 10 kilometres
2. AST company distance to the highway 15 and 10 kilometres
3. Company TAS distance to the highway 20 and 15 kilometres.
Every kilometre is time and wasted resources.
A similar analysis was carried out in terms of the company's stability in the market, the speed and correctness of payments, the time required for the production of analyses and unloading.
Based on this marketing research, the company has been determined to have the following opportunities (external):
1. The emergence of new partners (which will simplify the work of companies);
2. Emergence of new suppliers (with more favourable conditions).
3. proximity in location;
The threats of the company are identified:
1. The company's growth is 2 years versus 5 and 10 years for competitors;
2. lower and more efficient informing and advertising the daily price of the purchase of goods at the place of loading of goods
The Strengths (internal) of the company are identified:
1. more efficient unloading of transport;
2. payment for the goods on the next day after unloading;
The Weaknesses of the company are identified:
  1. new employees require additional supervision and training.
  2. coordination and awareness between departments requires additional training
The company has identified the direction of the target market as a priority Europe, namely Spain and the Netherlands, an auxiliary direction is Asia, namely India and Turkey. The goods are planned to be promoted in several directions.
The first direction is the accumulated customer base for last year's shipments of activities to develop, distribute, promote products that meet the requirements of customers in this target market.
The second direction of promotion of goods is the statistical customs base of shipments for the past year. This statistic showed the priority directions of shipments.
The company was represented at the exhibition / booth in Dubai and Paris. The results of the exhibition confirmed the correctness of the chosen directions. Additionally, we have more them 100 new customers and prospective buyers from Asia and more than 50 from Europe
The most frequently visited pages of the company's website are also confirmed by these regions and feedback form on each links also adding new customers.
Company website passive and active via Google Ads. For speed up of access and taking into account the priorities of the company, the corporate website was located in Berlin, which speeds up the speed of loading pages in terms of distance and technology Europe is more efficient. Key words are selected according to several parameters such as frequency of use, correct spelling, translation, word combinations. The sales and development department constantly monitors keywords and ads (the first 10 browsers). The success of the ads is clearly visible in the number of page openings, the increase in the number of registered users, the feedback work at the end of each trading lot. Following groups of goods, goods, lots 
- email advise via website,
  • Demonstrate the effective planning of all stages of your plan.
Place the business.
The marketing environment is analyzed and taken into account in terms of:
- economies based on the fact that the level of development by segments represents different degrees from highly developed (Europe) to medium development (Turkey) and developing (India),
- competition, high competition in Europe, average in Turkey and sufficient in India,
- policies, rights and regulations high (business protected priority) in Europe, medium in Turkey and low security in India (do not enter the port until payment is received)
- technological forces,
can influence the resources that the firm has acquired and is able to sell favorably.
The resources include key competencies, that is, what the company does very well, namely optical cleaning of goods to a purity of 99.9%, the presence of its own transshipment facilities, which gives it an advantage over competitors.
The company matched its core competency with the opportunities it discovered in the market and identified a competitive advantage.
The purpose of the organization is a long-term view and vision of what the organization will do in the future.
The mission statement helped set a clear purpose and direction for the organization, set it apart from the competition, set the direction for strategic planning, and focus on customers.
The last marketing year was very successful for the company and amounted to 800 tons with a net profit of 15 euros per ton. The budget for the last year was 600 million euros including the cost of goods and transportation of 400 thousand euros.
The budget for the next year is 1 million euros including the cost of goods and transportation of 700 thousand euros. The marketing plan for the coming year calls for a shipment of 1,400 metric tons  with an increase in profits of up to 20 euros per ton due to improved logistics operations at the port of loading, improved aspiration system (+1%), modernization of the product packaging line (+1%), staff training in container chartering and direct contracts with container lines (+2%), the introduction of the logistics system Field - Port - Vessel - Port will allow you to quickly track commodity, cash, documentary flows and allows you to control the company's life during the entire life cycle of contracts.
Development of a strategic planning scenario:
1. considered various scenarios that may occur and affect the organization (changes in prices, political situation, weather conditions)
2. For each scenario they discussed three possibilities: worst case, best case, and most reasonable case,
3. Brainstormed about how the organization would best respond to each one.
4. Scenario added to strategic plan.
The Company provides for constant attention to common values, consistent communication and dialogue between stakeholders.
  • the cultural values of the company are announced, (communication, ethics, joint leisure, sporting events)
  • Focus on learning and discussions (conferences, exhibitions, trainings, advanced training).
Objectives & Key Results (OKRs). A clearly defined goal (task) of the company's development with an annual growth of 30% and quarterly key results, that is, measurement by control points, such as an increase in freight traffic, an increase in profits, a decrease in the harmful impact on the external environment, which will lead to the systematic achievement of the strategic goal of the company's growth.
PEST analysis. For PEST (Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological) analysis, Development department weigh socio-economic factors in making business forecasts.
For the effective use of PEST analysis, the Reuters information platform and its news feed are used, which covers in real time the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological state in the world and separately in each country, which is useful for the strategic planning team, which has practical knowledge of the components factors for forecasts.
Such as following:
 The candlestick chart pattern reveals mild recovery.
 Prices closed above 9-day and 18-day EMA, supporting the gains.
 RSI is rising in neutral zone. Indicating bullish momentum.
 MACD is slightly rising in negative territory.
 The prices are expected slightly gain during the month.
 Trade Recommendation (NCDEX) – 1 Month: BUY between 3150–3160 levels.T1 – 3250; T2 - 3300; SL - 3107.
International (news)
Brazil's trucking union hour strike starting, potentially slowing the movement of record soy, corn and sugar crops to ports, although unlikely to stop exports. The exports have already hit to some extent in previous days due to on and off strikes called on by the port workers.
 As per the latest USDA crop progress report, the US soybean crop has been fully planted, as of Jul 21.  The emergence is reported at 95 per cent, below 5 year average of 97 per cent and 100 per cent last year. About 10 per cent is reported blooming, below 5 year average of 24 per cent, which was 42 per cent during the same period last year. About 26 per cent of the planted crop is rated as fair and 67 per cent as good to excellent condition.
Oil World has made a sharp upward revision of our rapeseed crop estimate for the European Union, which we now project to exceed 20 Mn T..
 As per Oil World, Brazilian soybean shipments are expected to fall in Sept/Dec 2021, raising global dependence on US supplies. Brazil is estimated to export 36.1 Mn T of soybeans in Jan/Aug 2021.
 A private analyst released new acreage estimates and forecasted 2021 soybean acreage at 78 million acres, down 250,000 acres from their prior release. The USDA is estimating acreage at 77.1 million.
China’s soybean imports were comparatively small at 5.1 Mn T in May but are set to increase in June, as forecasted by Oil World.
 China will probably remain a key importer of rapeseed next season as we consider it likely that rapeseed production in China continues to decline.
As example we can see Profit / Loss calculations  
We analyze the projected costs, deliverables, and benefits (or opportunities) associated with the project to determine if it makes sense from a business standpoint.
We make two separate lists for the project:
- projected direct costs, which include costs directly related to production, labor, manufacturing costs, material costs and inventory costs
- predicted indirect intangible costs
- indirect benefits
- indirect intangible benefits
Calculate and compare benefits and costs.
The total benefits exceed the total costs. There is a business case for continuing the project.
  • Provide a comprehensive Environmental Scan.
The factors of the microenvironment that is in direct contact with the company and directly affects the routine activities of the business are: Company, Suppliers, Marketing intermediaries, Competitors, General public, Clients.
Company. Various groups in the organization: senior management, finance, operations, human resources, research and development, etc.,
Suppliers provide business inputs such as raw materials, parts, cutting tools, equipment, etc. Any shortage or delay in supplies, natural disasters or other events can hurt sales in the short term and lead to customer dissatisfaction in the long term.
Marketing intermediaries are individuals or firms that assist a company in promoting, selling and distributing its products to end customers. agents, vendors, distribution firms, warehouses, transport firms, marketing services agencies and advertising firms.
Competitors are rivals, in order to succeed, a company must provide more value and customer satisfaction than its competitors.
The public (financial publics, media publics, government publics, citizen-action publics, internal publics, local publics and the general public) refers to the group of people who have an actual or potential interest in the company’s product or who can have an impact on the organization’s ability to achieve its objective.
The most important factors in the company’s microenvironment are its customers. These include consumer markets, business markets, government markets, reseller markets and international markets.
Macro-environmental factors refer to the main external and uncontrollable factors that influence the decision-making of an organization. It includes forces that open up opportunities, but at the same time create threats to the business.
Demographics are made up of people in terms of size, density, age, location, gender, race, occupation, etc., and people are the driving force behind the development of markets. The large and diverse demographics offer both opportunities and challenges for businesses.
The economic environment consists of GDP, GNI, import duty rate, unemployment, inflation, spending structure, and disposable personal income.
The environment, natural resources, ecological conditions have become a decisive factor to be taken into account (air and water pollution, floods, droughts, etc.)
Technology has a decisive influence on the macro environment. The company must have an understanding of the user interface technology in the region and plan its communications campaigns accordingly.
Events in the political environment strongly influence marketing decisions. This includes laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that may influence or impose restrictions on various people or organizations in a given society.
The cultural environment is associated with factors that influence the core values, preferences, perceptions and behavior of a society. Organizations must understand the cultural beliefs and practices that prevail in society in order to make marketing decisions.
The success of a marketing campaign depends on micro and macro factors in the external environment and can increase the success rates of marketing campaigns, as well as increase brand reputation in the long term.
Marketing is advertising, promotion and marketing mix 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion).
The company promotes goods through the Internet, Google, using 4P, 7P and most of all a marketing company based on a symbiosis of all marketing tools, created on the basis of requests from customers, creating a message in such a way that the offer is under one slogan, trademark, standardized, maximum complete, could be used immediately upon receipt for current or future sales with feedback to current and future customers.
By this link you can find one of the 1000 offers of the company, if you type keywords in Google, you will always see the offer of the company in the first page of the 10th search
product Sunflower Seeds, Oily, Offer, Deal: Ask
Quantity: 500 mt
Price: 450 eur/ mt place FCA Rotterdam, Europe or CFR, DAP ASWP
Meta Description: Seller offer for Buyer to buy Sunflower for oil
Full Description: Seller is ready to offer and looking for Buyer of Sunflower for oil
Quality in accordance the following specification for: Sunflower for oil:
Oil content: min 42%;
Moisture: max. 8,0%;
Oil Impurity: max. 8,0%,
Foreign matter: max. 2,0%,
Sound and fair merchantable Free from abnormal smell.
Terms of payment negotiable depends of counter party, commodity, transportation and could be:
LC at sight, LC stand by, CAD, CAFD and etc.,
Exemple business CAD with 10% advance payment
- 10% advance payment within 3 banking days against presentation to buyer following documents by fax or scanned original copy by e-mail:
a) Preliminary commercial invoice for the for 10% value of goods to be delivered;
- Balance payment within 3 banking days against presentation of original shipping documents to Buyer’s bank (CAD):
a) Commercial Invoice;
b) Full set of 3/3 original;
c) Certificate of Origin;
d) Quality and Quantity certificate;
e) Fumigation Certificate (Al. Phostoxin);
f) Phytosanitary Certificate;
g) Packing List
Quantity and quality of goods final at place of stuffing into containers as per Certificate issued by inspection company at the Seller's account.
All other terms, conditions and rules, not in contradiction with the above contained in support contract/ terms (GAFTA, FOSFA, Incoterms, UPC600, etc) of which the parties admit that they have knowledge and notice, apply to this transaction. The parties undertake not to reduce at execution cooperation to support business contacts and to take all necessary measures for maintenance of efficiency and development of commercial communications.
We select customers by creating products that are needed by a specific
demographic group of consumers including gender, age, race, income level, net worth, geographic location, etc.
Competition affects how you develop a product.
Offer advantage. People need a reason to buy your product. Many people buy a reason more than a specific product.
The company decided on a unique selling proposition (USP) for the product and created a brand around it, branding, brand management, slogan
Pricing strategy. The company decided to price slightly below the market, taking advantage of its own transshipment facilities, cleaning and packaging equipment, hoping that this approach would lead to more sales.
Distribution. The company decided where it would sell the product by looking at target customers and knowing how they shop, using industry research, government statistics.
Product promotion includes website advertising, trade shows, social media, referrals, and communications.
To segment the market, the company divided it into groups with similar characteristics. Audience separation allows you to target marketing and personalize content.
Demographic segmentation includes areas such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, family size, education, career, income, and so on. Information is relatively easy to access and inexpensive. The company intends to use this segmentation when launching a batch line (1 kg, 0.5 kg).
The company has segmented the market based on consumer behavior, how someone interacts with the product, website, app, brand, online shopping habits, user interaction on the company website, benefits, how often they use the product, and brand loyalty.
The company uses geographic segmentation as a strategy. Customer location helps understand needs and send ads based on locations such as country, state, county, zip code, climate, population density, and whether it is urban, suburban, or rural.
Psychographic segmentation deals with intellectual and emotional characteristics of the motives, preferences, and needs of a company's audience.
Marketing environment variables include all those factors that are external to the firm and influence the decision-making process. The company's marketers are observing the changing environment through market research and their first-hand knowledge.
The marketing environment includes uncontrolled macro-environment variables (political, economic, social, technological and legal factors) and micro-environment (customers, suppliers, competitors, employees, shareholders and the media).
The marketing manager knows how to achieve cooperation with all departments and prepares a marketing plan for products coming to the Internet and also studies the impact of competition from industries other than their own. All macro- and micro-environment variables constantly intersect and interact, and no single variable affects marketing decision variables.
Achieving competitive advantage
The company's Business Analyst (BA) conducts qualitative data analysis, and effectively models the data, which helps optimize the data and makes it easier to define project strategies, relationships, and their responsibilities.
An activity diagram is a type of UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram that describes what needs to happen in a system. The company's BA Business Analyst uses UML Lucidchart to create
- an activity diagram to process a transaction.
Function mind maps help capture brainstorming processes.
A product (or feature) roadmap describes the development and launch of a product and its features. They are a focused analysis of product evolution to illustrate a variety of information, including:
  • Maintenance and bug fixing,
  • feature releases,
  • Strategic goals for the product.
An organizational chart of the company has been developed that describes the hierarchy of business and departments. It is a particularly useful reference tool for employees to quickly understand how a company is organized and to identify key stakeholders as well as points of contact for projects or requests.
A company's competitive advantage allows the company to ship and promote products better and cheaper than its competitors. This allows you to generate more sales and have higher profits compared to competitors in the market. A company's competitive advantage includes cost structure, branding, product quality, and website promotion.
Competitive advantages create more value for the firm and its shareholders through strengths or conditions.
The ability of a firm to sell a product more efficiently than its competitors results in a higher rate of return and creates a comparative advantage.
Economies of scale are the cost advantages a company gains when logistics and stocking become more efficient. The company achieved economies of scale by increasing the number of shipments at its own transhipment complex and reducing costs. Economies of scale create comparative advantage. It only shows that the firm can offer the same value product at a lower price.
Company PAS LLC today a leading Ukrainian exporter of agricultural products in the range. The company was founded in 2021. Is the owner of the trademark «PAS».
We have the professional experience, a team of specialists, and close ties with the Association of Farmers and Private Landowners of Ukraine. Today, farmers use more than 4 million acres of farmland. On 01.01.2021 farmers produced more than eight million of grain and oil crops in a year.
For more than 3 years of successful operation, our company has earned a reputation as a reliable, competent and responsible partner. Our company is well established in the grain market. Company has earned a reputation as a reliable, competent and responsible partner.
One of the dominant trends of our business is the foreign economic activity.
The location of the complex's in the immediate vicinity of the largest ports of Ukraine, the department of logistics - the key to successful export activities of our company.
We are actively active part in the life and development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine and are making a significant contribution to the promotion of Ukrainian agricultural products in the international market.
The main exported products are grains and oilseeds - these are the products for which demand will always remain consistently high.
The company "PAS" provides:
Export operations of the grains and oilseeds around the world;
Delivery of the quality, quantity and packaging according to the demand of the buyer;
Preparation and execution of the documentation for the goods;
Ensuring customer flexible terms of pricing and payment;
The supply of goods on the following bases: CFR, FCA, CPT, FOB – Ukrainian Black Sea ports (Odessa, Ilyichevsk, Yuzhniy).
Our partners are of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, China, Pakistan, Vietnam, Thailand, India, etc. LLC "PAS" - a modern company that is rapidly growing.
We offer the most advanced system of cooperation. Ready to consider any proposals and hope that we can become your reliable partners, and will make every effort to joint achievements in business.
The list of products that buys and sells our company:
Millet (1,2,3 grade) - Quality according to GOST;
Sunflower - Quality according to GOST;
Pumpkin seeds - according to GOST quality;
Peas - Quality according to GOST;
Sorghum white - according to GOST quality;
Red Sorghum - Quality according to GOST;
Chickpeas - the quality according to GOST;
Vetch - according to GOST quality;
Flax oil seeds - according to GOST quality;
Coriander - Quality according to GOST;
White mustard - Quality according to GOST;
Mustard Yellow - Quality according to GOST;
Wheat flour - the highest grade - according to GOST quality;
Wheat flour - Grade 1 - according to GOST quality;
Rye flour - Quality according to GOST;
Sugar - beet - Quality according to GOST;
Corn food (1.2 Class) - Quality according to GOST;
Corn feed - Quality according to GOST;
Ready to consider any proposals and hope that we can become your reliable partners, and will make every effort to joint achievements in business.
A differential advantage is when a firm's products or services differ from those of its competitors and are viewed as superior. Advanced product cleaning technology, as well as brand identity, are all factors in the company's distinctive advantage. These factors support high profits and a large market share.
Competitive advantage allows the company to achieve higher margins compared to competitors and creates value for the company and its shareholders, namely:
  • Highly qualified team,
  • Use of new or patented technologies - optical grain cleaning up to 99.9% purity,
  • Unique geographical location, location of the staffing complex in relation to ports and routes;
  • Brand image recognition, the company has its own trading platform, slogan, trademark
  • Ability to purchase and ship goods at the lowest cost,
Additional advantages in comparison with competitors, as it allows you to earn on your own transshipment of goods, optimize, modernize and control the process, speed and loading time, which allows you to fulfill the concluded contracts on time and thereby guarantee stable and regular customers throughout the entire life cycle of goods.
Storage tanks allow you to accumulate additional volumes for future contracts during the harvest when the price of goods is at its lowest.
Technical facilities for transshipment and cleaning of goods up to a purity of 99.9% make it possible to purchase goods of any quality in terms of trash and ship the quality in accordance with contracts.
In a cost leadership strategy, the company's goal is to become the lowest cost operator through a large-scale transshipment facility where the company can exploit economies of scale.
In a differentiation strategy, a company's products are differentiated from competitors' products. The company supplies customers with high quality products such as organic, non-GMO products with a high purity of 99.9% in various packaging by weight (1 mt, 50/ 25 kg, 5 kg, 1 kg) by material (polypropylene, paper, polyethylene). This allows the company to charge a higher price than its competitors.
A company's core competencies refer to the capabilities, knowledge, skills and resources that constitute its "defining strength", as follows:
  • Product quality,
  • Design or innovative features,
  • Ecosystem of sales and marketing,
  • Automated workflows and processes,
  • Size.
  • Provide a comprehensive Competitor Analysis.
Marketing management is the process of controlling marketing aspects, setting company goals, organizing plans step by step, making decisions for the company and implementing them to maximize turnover by meeting and even exceeding customer needs.
Goals of the marketing management company
The main tasks of marketing management are:
  • Attraction of new clients. Attracting new customers leads to an increase in sales of goods,
  • Customer Satisfaction. It is an important marketing goal to keep customers satisfied over time, good customer service, timely delivery of goods,
  • Profitability. Profit is the basis of the company and it is laid down in the strategic plan at the level of 10% per year.
  • Increase in market share. To maximize market sales of its products, the company offers discounts to attract customers, makes attractive and unique packaging and offers promotions.
  • Building a good reputation in society. The company has maintained a good reputation in the market, which means that it has more chances for growth and diversification. The company has applied effective segmentation in marketing considering that each market segment should be:
  • Measurable. The company estimated the market segment and its opportunity and demand for the company's products in the region of 3000 mt,
  • Significant. The viable market segment is large enough to support the needs of the company.
  • Be available: Goods are easily accessible in terms of buying and selling for both the company and its customers.
  • Be unique: The measured market segment is unique and guarantees customized messaging and campaigns.
  • Be sustainable: Market segments are seasonal and recurring annually and the company is adaptive to the given environment.
  • Viable market segment stable and to justify the cost of targeted and personalized marketing.
Based on the above, the marketing department studied existing customers through customer surveys, conversations with front-line employees, and reviewed business intelligence.
In this way, the company knows more about who the customers are, what characteristics they have in common and what makes them unique, as well as what problems the company will help to solve for specific groups of customers.
The company has implemented the following principles of thinking in marketing management:
  • Managerial thinking helps to focus the organization from within for the benefit of overall customer service.
  • Connective thinking drives growth, marketing leaders collaborate with different departments of the company, from sales and innovation to finance, technology and human resources.
Company marketers act as "unifiers", leaders who work with senior colleagues (top management) as equal partners achieve greater growth.
The company's customer-centric mindset puts customers first and customer satisfaction creates value and provides competitive advantage and includes commitments to:
  • implement a design approach to solving pain points and unmet customer needs,
  • establish a centralized data platform with a unified view of customers,
  • discrete acquisition of information from analytics,
  • everything that customers see and interact with is measured,
  • Hiring and developing talented people who know how to turn customer information into experiences that resonate with customers.
Digital channels and improvements in analytics and data science now allow company marketers to be held accountable for delivering value across all channels, and operate with a ROI focus.
Digital channels and improvements in analytics and data science now allow company marketers to be held accountable for delivering value across all channels, and operate with a ROI focus.
The company took as its main principle the segmentation of the market, breaking the market into groups of customers, which can then be targeted, and not the market as a whole. This approach allows company to focus on the most valuable customers for the company.
Market segmentation based on needs shows new opportunities for innovation and effective marketing is created:
  • Segmentation studies are changing marketing strategies.
  • Indicate who to target, where to sell products and how to talk to customers,
  • The company can spend its marketing budgets more wisely and achieve greater effectiveness in its communications.
The company provides the best customer service:
  • Segmentation research is the domain of the marketing department, and all employees from the director to the managers,
  • This ensures a better understanding of customers and what the company is doing for them.
Segmentation studies are useful and help a company understand what to focus on. This allows for more efficient use of resources – whether it be human resources (getting the sales team to focus on a specific market segment for their outsourced activities) or budget (investing in a trade show you know is popular with your target audience)
The company responds to market situations during the product life cycle using tools and methods within the marketing mix.
The term product life cycle refers to the length of time a product is presented to consumers in the market until it is withdrawn from the market. The life cycle of a product is divided into four stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline.
Goods, like people, have a life cycle, which we already mentioned at the beginning of the project. A product starts with an idea, and in today's business world, it is unlikely to go any further until it has been researched and developed (R&D) and found to be feasible and potentially profitable.
At this point, the product is produced, sold and rolled out to the markets.
Life cycle stages
  • Introduction. This stage includes a significant investment in advertising and marketing campaign aimed at familiarizing customers with the product and its benefits.
  • Growth: If the product is successful, it moves into the growth stage. This is characterized by growing demand, increasing production and expanding its availability.
  • Maturity: this is the most profitable stage when production and marketing costs are reduced,
  • Decline: The product faces increasing competition as other companies imitate its success, sometimes improving or lowering prices. The product may lose market share and start to decline.
The company's marketers successfully bring the product to the market, the demand increases, therefore, its popularity increases. These new products eventually force the old ones out of the market, effectively replacing them.
The company limits its marketing efforts as a new product becomes available. This is due to the fact that the cost of production and marketing of products is falling. When the demand for a product falls, it can be completely withdrawn from the market.
For our company, the life cycle for sunflower seeds is annual and repetitive. It starts before harvest (June, July) and peaks (August, September) then descends (October, November). The achievement and height of the peak depends on weather conditions in the entire area of cultivation of this commodity.
In order to extend the life cycle of the product, the company constantly innovates and monitors changes and market trends, thereby expanding and extending the life of the product.
On the basis of marketing campaigns, various versions of the product are launched with additional packaging, quality options that meet the constantly changing needs of consumers, which revives demand.
No matter what stage the product is at, a creative and properly implemented advertising campaign rejuvenates the image of the product and increases sales.
Online/social media campaign advertising and promotional tools such as consumer outreach sampling introduces the product to a new generation of potential customers and also reminds existing customers why they liked the product so much.
Identifying new markets for a company's product is another great way to potentially extend its lifecycle.
Expansion by launching an Internet advertising campaign for the product in other countries (Bangladesh, Poland, Italy) gave a positive result of increasing sales and changed the stages of the cycle.
In addition to exploring new global markets, the company is engaged in identifying new markets through diversification. Minor refinement, modification and updating of the product helped to open up a new market in Egypt for the same products, allowing the brand to diversify.
Marketing mix. A marketing mix is a set of controlled, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to generate the desired response from its target market. It is also a tool to help plan and execute marketing.
The marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables, commonly known as the four Ps:
1. Product: goods or services offered by a company to its customers,
2. Price: the amount of money paid by buyers to purchase a product,
3. Place (or distribution): Activities that make the product available to consumers,
4. Promotion: Activities that communicate the features and benefits of a product to convince customers to purchase the product.
An effective marketing strategy combines the 4 P's of the marketing mix. It is designed to achieve the company's marketing goals by providing value to its customers.
The 4 Ps of the marketing mix are linked and combined to determine the position of a product in its target markets.
Weaknesses of the marketing mix
  • For example, important marketing activities (eg packaging) are not specifically considered but are placed in one of the four P groups.
  • Another key disadvantage is that the four P's focus on the seller's view of the market. The opinion of the buyer should be the main concern of marketing.
Perceived value is the assessment by consumers of the merits of a product and its ability to meet their needs and expectations, especially when compared to peers.
The job of a company marketer is to increase the perceived value of the brand they are selling. Perceived benefit
  • we provide a product in terms of its usefulness (organic, non-GMO) or additional benefits (additional purification, repackaging) and the value that the buyer expects to receive when using it,
  • The perceived usefulness of many products can vary greatly even among similar or nearly identical products (we provide additional analyzes for heavy metals and pesticides).
The company introduces the following types of benefits for products:
- Form usefulness is the aesthetic appeal of the physical design of the product (packaging, product photo).
- Task usefulness is the value of the product that saves time, effort or money for the client (availability in stock).
- The usefulness of time means the ease of access to the product (speed of delivery),
- The usefulness of the place is the convenience of the location, (the location of the transshipment complex)
- Utility of ownership refers to the ease of acquiring a product (customs clearance and delivery to the warehouse).
With the advent of the Internet and all digital technologies, the ability of organizations to interact with customers throughout the innovation process and later in the product life cycle has greatly expanded.
Now the company can connect and extend the business relationship for the benefit of all.
Social media helps a company test the market before launching a product.
Bidirectional communication. A company interacts with a potential customer and gets feedback, real opinions from customers when developing a product through such means as forums, blogs, Q&A sessions, brand advocates and surveys, social networks where you can test, collect feedback and interact with your audience.
Social media allows a company to segment and target specific audiences based on criteria such as age, location, etc.
Different stages of the product life cycle
  • In the early stages from implementation, growth to maturity, the relationship between the seller and the buyer is greatly improved,
  • adding new services such as Google from Gmail to Maps, from Adwords to Google Docs, allowing the product to continue growing in new markets year after year,
  • Goods and new technological solutions are very well covered on social networks, where subscribers can follow the latest trends offered.
Failure stage. Even when a product is potentially in decline, social media innovation allows a company to continue to communicate with its audience and start developing an entirely new product or direction with their help. understanding and knowledge to not only provide as new, but also to produce better, taking into account the interests of its customers.
All this at little cost to the company as they get ideas straight from the mouth!!
  • Provide an integrated Marketing Communications Plan
The management of the company and the marketing department apply and transfer the achievements in the field of integrated marketing communications technologies of creativity, advertising design and promotion to reach and secure specific target markets.
Integrated marketing communications broke down barriers between company departments and embraced holistic marketing.
Shopper and customer interactions with a brand/company integrates all aspects of marketing communication: advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing and social media, through their appropriate combination of tactics, channels, media and work together.
IMC plan (same message, branded experience)
  • increase brand awareness and credibility by contacting the target consumer through various channels to get a response from the audience,
  • reach a wider audience: use more communication channels to increase the number of people the company can reach. Launch an advertising campaign through Google Ads, social networks, billboards within a radius of 100 km from the transshipment complex
  • Generate more revenue: Once a company is able to communicate a clear brand message across multiple channels to a wider audience, revenue growth will naturally increase.
  • The company is highly competitive and uses a combination of efforts to generate revenue, including its research team, strategists, public relations team, digital and social media marketing team, design team.
Marketing Technology (MarTech), to use in the field of digital marketing, as well as to optimize offline marketing channels, which is called their marketing technology stack.
Marketing technologies have made the organization of companies more efficient and effective:
firstly, the automation of time-consuming marketing tasks helped to reduce the number of man-hours required to implement a marketing strategy; helping you achieve more with less.
Second, marketing tech has provided useful insights into the ROI of your marketing efforts.
Types of Marketing Technology applied in company strategy:
  • Advertising,
  • Analytics,
  • Content Management,
  • CRM,
  • Social Media,
  • Email Marketing
Marketing technologies of the company in marketing campaigns:
Focused on retention. It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one. The company's marketers focus not only on attracting new customers, but also on developing relationships with customers.
More innovation. The development department implements corporate software providing cloud solutions.
The company promotion mix is an integration of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations and direct marketing.
Marketers implement the following questions to have a balanced understanding:
  • find the most effective way to inform clients
  • consider all marketing methods to determine which ones should be used;
  • Who are the promotional efforts aimed at?
  • The marketing budget is distributed depending on the importance of the advertising tool in the given environment.
With the help of advertising, the marketer builds a pull strategy; the customer is encouraged to try the product at least once.
Personal selling. Traditionally, the seller meets the buyer by visiting him. This is a face-to-face interaction between a company representative and a customer in order to influence the customer to buy a product.
Sales promotion. The company plans and conducts short-term incentives for buyers for increasing sales over a certain period, at exhibitions, during festivals, at the end of the season. Through sales promotion, the company focuses on increasing short-term profits by attracting both existing and new customers.
Public relations. Marketers create a favorable image of the company in the market by creating relationships with the general public. The Company conducts public relations campaigns in order to gain the support of all people directly or indirectly associated with them.
Direct marketing. The company uses technologies that allow you to directly contact customers without any intermediaries or any paid means, namely: - E-mail. The Company sends e-mails and messages to customers about new offers or proposed sales promotion schemes.
Employees of our company are constantly in touch by phone, mail, and other means of communication, as well as during personal meetings in the company's office, as well as at exhibitions, conferences, presentations, social events near the company's location, as well as at the invitation of customers, partners, buyers, etc.
Integrated marketing communications is an approach to promoting a message through multiple strategies that work together and reinforce each other.
The company promotes the logo, slogan, and strategy through various media such as print, television, the Internet, and social media. Messages are transmitted without any interference and have maximum clarity.
The company's marketers carefully analyze and define the target audience, which is current or potential customers, taking into account the characteristics of customers, which include age, education level, gender, and geographical location.
A company's marketers promote the company's brands to potential customers by persuading those people that it's in their best interest to try a new product. The overall effect is that the company earns an increased rate of return, which is the main reason for engaging in most entrepreneurial ventures. Marketing channels are led and run by different people.
All meetings, conferences and other events on behalf of the company are held under a single logo, slogan and strategy through the media such as print, television, the Internet and social networks. Messages are transmitted and have maximum clarity and certainty.
Integrated marketing strategies help bring all of a brand's messages together to ensure the message isn't disjointed and confusing.
Consistent communication is powerful and influential. An integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy ensures that the key message of a business is consistently delivered across multiple channels.
The company's harmonious message is communicated through various channels, and time is not wasted in repetitive messages or talking to others for information.
The company message is available for use in a number of communication channels allowing your company to reach a wider audience and expand your reach. This means there is a higher chance of reaching your target audience and bringing the right consumers to your brand, eliminates the need for duplicate content, saving time and money by using the same images on a website and across multiple social media profiles.
A company's message builds consumer trust and promotes brand recall because messaging is consistent and integrated across multiple channels.
The buyer resonates the brand because the message is:
- reaches the intended target audience,
- coordinated messaging,
- aired on different channels
Part Two
Provide a comprehensive review of a chosen organisation's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy using the following sample criteria:
  • Sourcing with integrity
  • Respect for the environment
  • Making a positive difference to communities
  • Staff Welfare
The company has adopted corporate social responsibility (CSR) - the company's actions include not only supplying a reliable product, charging a fair price with a fair rate of return and paying fair wages to employees, but also caring for the environment and social issues.
The company works on social initiatives and shares this information with its customers and the communities in which they do business.
CSR benefits the company and its stakeholders, such as the natural environment and community members who live close to the company's facilities and the company's transshipment facility.
Corporate social responsibility focuses company managers on demonstrating the social benefits of their new products and efforts. Environmental destruction can ultimately lead to a reduction in resources, reduced business opportunities and reduced quality of life.
Employees of the company understand that profit is only one of the positive results of business operations.
In addition to protecting the environment, helping to design classrooms in schools, creating a polyclinic at the transshipment complex and providing free treatment not only to company employees but also to the poor in the surrounding area, worthy of charitable services in the communities where the company's transshipment complex is located.
The company and most of the company's clients think of net income as a conditional expression of their financial well-being.
The company's management believes that they have an obligation to give back to society and take responsibility for transparent and accountable business conduct.
This includes measures to reduce negative environmental impacts, maintain and promote goodwill, and create safe and motivating workplaces.
The company intends to leave the environment in a better state than today and make a positive impact viz.
  • Efforts to minimize CO2 emissions,
  • Disposal of waste from their activities,
  • Uses sustainable materials for handling cubes and packaging.
The focus of giving back to society includes the investment of time and money, the obligation to provide environmentally friendly products, and the desire to improve people's lives. The company makes sure that this consciousness pervades everything they do.
The company is preparing three totals.
The first is corporate profit, that is, the bottom line of the income statement.
The second final indicator is the personnel records of the company, showing how socially responsible the company has been throughout its activities.
The third bottom line is the company's planetary score, reflecting its environmental responsibility.
Triple bottom line aims to measure the financial, social and environmental performance of a company over a period of time.
Social marketing aims to achieve specific goals for the public good.
Employees of the company took part in the following campaigns:
- No Drugs
- Exercise more and eat better.
- family planning campaign
- Campaign against air pollution
Education campaigns
  • Explain the nutritional value of various foods,
  • Explain the importance of conservation.
  • Recruit people for mass immunization,
  • Motivate people to vote yes on a particular issue,
  • Motivate people to donate blood,
  • Encourage women to get breast screening.
  • Prevent smoking,
  • Do not encourage the use of hard drugs,
  • Discourage excessive alcohol consumption.
Value Campaigns
  • Change the attitude of bigoted people.
Green marketing includes marketing responses to the design, manufacture, packaging, use and disposal of products in an environmentally friendly manner and with attention to the need to:
- Create a green and competitive advantage for your market offerings,
- Meet customer expectations by acting as well as demonstrating our environmental responsibility.
- enhance people's emotional perception of individual benefits,
Benefits of green marketing for a company
  • Demonstration of social and environmental responsibility,
  • Implementation of sustainable business practices,
  • Standing out in an increasingly competitive market,
  • Increasing brand confidence,
  • Ensuring long-term growth opportunities,
  • Teaching people how to make better decisions,
  • Reducing costs and increasing revenues,
  • Save energy and reduce your carbon footprint,
  • Improving the health of the population,
  • Strengthening relationships with the target audience.
          The attitude towards the company's employees is based on the basic principles of training:
- Belonging to learning means that the learner is motivated, involved and self-directed with a sense of autonomy, choice and responsibility in their actions.
- Students evaluate what they do, say and produce and decide what is good enough. These internal evaluations determine how much they care, how hard they work, and how much they learn.
- Involved student assessment is effective because it relies on these internal assessments that come naturally to students.
- There is nothing more important in stimulating student growth than the level of care and student perseverance and self-discipline are closely related to academic and work success.
Identifying learning and development (L&D) needs begins with knowing the company's current and future capability needs, and then assessing existing levels of skills, attitudes, and knowledge using formal and informal methods.
Such analysis in the company allows you to decide what kind of training is needed at the individual, team or organizational level.
The company constantly analyzes the training needs of the company's employees:
- learning needs analysis (LNA)
- training needs analysis (TNA).
LNA can be viewed as a current or future test of a company's skills, talents, and capabilities, based on the systematic collection of data and information about employee capabilities and organizational skill requirements, as well as an analysis of the implications of new and changed roles.
The company has a plan in place to ensure that there are sufficient opportunities to maintain current and future business performance, taking into account legal and compliance requirements.
Preparation and engagement with various stakeholders, including subject matter experts, operations managers, and relevant employees, is vital and should be consulted from the outset until the results are announced to the team.
Levels of analysis of the needs of company employees in training
- The whole organization - to analyze the amount and types of training required to ensure that all employees have the necessary abilities to work in accordance with the strategy of the organization,
- Specific department, project - new opportunities require new ways of working or reorganization, and restructuring also has an impact.
- Individual users – linking personal learning and development needs to business needs, often done as part of a development analysis.
L&D companies ensure that analyzes conducted at any of these three levels are integrated and not considered in isolation.
Learning and development activities are aligned with the organization's strategy, then this review is an iterative process.
Methods of collecting data in the company about training needs
- Organizational data collected in the company.
- Official interviews with stakeholders,
- Informal conversations with stakeholders
- Attending group meetings
- Observations of self-learning of students,
- Questionnaire survey of managers, employees
- Analysis of data from management information systems.
The combination of these methods gives the best results.
Most of this data is confidential.
Learning and development experts show how learning and development can contribute to the success of an initiative.
Analysis of training needs. The Formal Learning Needs Analysis (LNA) process identified performance gaps and useful areas to focus on including:
- Close consultation with business leaders on how any skill gaps can be identified and addressed,
- Full cost-benefit assessment.
- Exploring sources of funding/resources
- Development of solutions that provide flexible learning or alternative forms of learning.
Getting an LNA
- We describe the problems and get the consent of all.
- Determine the reason for the LNA.
- Determine what areas of learning need to be explored by collecting current performance data and comparing it to business goals.
- Remember that learning is not always the solution
- Studying our students
- We get the opinion of the students during the interview in order to understand how the training can benefit them.
- knowledge of the languages of the students,
- Availability of time for training, etc.
Part Three
Evaluation of your own learning needs and assisting others in identifying learning needs:
  • Identify what competencies you currently possess. You should use a tabular representation of a KSA Audit for this.
  • Identify what competencies are required in this sector. As before, the KSA Audit should focus on the requirements for this role - Job / task analysis.
  • Identify what new learning and development is required to address the gaps. Perform a contrast between the two audits to develop your Gap analysis. Consider how you can address these gaps.
  • Assisting others in the process. This evaluates your assistance provided to others on their own KSA audits.
On my own at work LNA & TNA everywhere.
In my work I adhere to command principles of management analyze, understand, study, apply and communicate/ share to the team. The company is a friendly team aimed at constantly improving the performance of work, starting with itself and ending with technical means. Constantly monitoring novelties in the field of innovation, we first improve, improve, test and apply on ourselves, and then we train and share experience with company employees during personal meetings, over a cup of coffee, and trainings.
This applies in terms of independent work, creating a zone of silence, adapting and muffling extraneous sound stimuli and focusing on solving the task, minimizing the presence in social networks
We value interaction with others.
          The marketing team is an important part of the company because all parts of the business need to work together with integration, sharing common goals that will lead to overall success for everyone.
From campaign planning to content creation, customer research and events, you need to keep the information up-to-date and the messages consistent.
Project management software gives you an overview of all marketing activities and allows you to collaborate and manage tasks across projects and campaigns.
We plan resources for various projects depending on their availability and track the time spent and return on investment in marketing projects.
Clarity about who does what helps implement a better marketing strategy and additional clarity about who does what.
Using a project management tool allows you to keep track of day-to-day tasks with real-time deadlines. This improves accountability and transparency.
Make sure everyone is on the same page and knows how their individual work contributes to the team's overall goals.
Having one place to store all your important documents and host all conversations related to those documents means you always know where to find the most up-to-date version of your important files. This simplifies the management of documents and any decisions and actions associated with them.
Holidays are a chance to hold an event to promote your business, expand your target market and expand your customer base.
We determine the purpose of the event and what can increase sales, connect the brand with the green industry, segment your market or benefit from it.
In the marketing plan, we indicate the main goal and subgoals; they will be used as metrics to measure the effectiveness of the campaign.
A marketing campaign takes into account the resources that we use in business to not only increase our income but also make our brand an environmentally friendly business.
The main goal is to promote the brand as an "eco-friendly" business and strengthen ties with organizations and communities that promote environmentally friendly practices.
Sub goals
- Indicate a market with high proximity and actively participate in saving the movements of the Earth and raising awareness,
- Receive free promotions from organizations and groups advocating saving Earth movements,
- We plan to increase profits by up to 5% during the quarter and after the campaign.
Knowing the target market, we adapt the marketing mix in accordance with personalities, desires, aspirations and interests. Psychographics are the general psychological characteristics of a population, such as lifestyle, hobbies, fashion, and other attitudes of a particular demographic group.
We develop strategies and tactics, where we develop the theme and mechanics of our campaign in accordance with the target market, namely:
  • Formulate a catchy theme or catchy headline that best describes the campaign.
  • Determine the strategies and method that we are going to use to convey the product and the idea of an active information campaign.
  • Determining the action at the exhibition on environmentally friendly alternatives and community projects for recycling - a workshop on environmentally sound solutions to common recycling problems.
We break down everything that requires budgeting (or involves cash payments), from labor to collateral. We list everything that needs to be bought, or any service that needs to be paid for.
We plan a strategic way to promote our events two weeks before the actual event.
- distribute leaflets in nearby shopping centers.
- place posters in the bulletins of the association, etc.
We work independently on the assigned tasks.
We receive guidance on projects from a supervisor and manager who are trusted to perform supervision tasks, which increases the sense of responsibility and confidence when we work to complete projects and tasks.
We work independently and independently, scheduling work on projects separately from the team.
Considering that there are qualities necessary for independent work, such as:
Mindfulness helps you be aware of your mental state and environment, which helps you focus on a task,
- Practicing mindfulness alerts you to distracting noises and helps you redirect your attention or change your surroundings.
- Purposefulness. Independent work increases the responsibility for setting your own pace of work and deadlines for completing tasks.
- Determination to complete the project and keep up with project time constraints, and meet the manager's expectations
- Ambition helps to strive for success.
- Ambition guarantees the performance of work and the search for additional tasks to move up the career ladder.
- Discipline and focus ensure that the task is completed on time.
The benefits of working independently include:
- Increased concentration of attention: without extraneous distractions, it is easier to focus on projects.
- Progress in completing assignments is easier if you work on your own. Productivity levels rise to a higher level when you focus on a single task.
- Working at your own pace will allow you to do better work or switch to another task.
- Self-employed to prepare for remote work, part-time remote work or flexible working hours.
The ability to work independently can be improved by using a command system.
Creating a system helps to work on independent tasks, create a temporary block, work on solo projects.
You can organize a system in which one person works independently of the team.
Discuss with management whether remote work is possible given advances in technology. Employees can start working remotely one day a week or a month.
Remote work helps to improve independent work when the employee is not physically in his team.
By focusing on a project, you can improve your work pace without being distracted by some of the distractions in the office.
Discuss and set time for independent work.
Change the status in your work IM programs to Do Not Disturb or Busy.
Disconnect from social media programs or other distractions and focus on your current tasks.
You can start by allocating a small amount of time and then increase it to larger periods.
We create a quiet zone and space for calm work, coming to work early or during a break.
Use noise canceling headphones for a certain period of time if your employer allows it.
Quiet area more time for independent work.
When selecting and placing the company's personnel, the personal characteristics of each employee are taken into account, taking into account his knowledge, potential capabilities, as well as limited team cohesion, taking into account the addition and covering the advantages and disadvantages of employees. We also take into account the need for advanced training based on tests, performance indicators and personal observation.
My strengths
- conscientiousness
- neatness
- trainability
- knowledge and experience
- Desire to learn and apply new developments
- sports lifestyle
- food culture
- performance
- slowness
- emotionality
- medium stress resistance
- I accept the opponent's high pace
Thanks for reading the project. I made it a little chaotically, I wanted to say a lot and obviously didn’t have enough structure, and as you know, it’s always more difficult to redo it, but I’m pleased to share my knowledge and doubly so if you use it in the future.