Inspection Service
Inspection Services
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- Parent Category: Contract Negotiation
- Category: Inspection Services
- Hits: 10572
1. Inspection company undertake superintendence with Guarantee of Weight, against a commission to be agreed.
They thus guarantee the proper execution of the superintendence of weight at loading and at discharge performed by them or their representatives.
This Guarantee of Weight is, save agreements to the contrary, undertaken upon the following conditions for agricultural products carried by sea, and, where applicable, by river, rail and/or road.
These Conditions, on the other hand, do not apply to the Guarantee of Weight of liquids in bulk or in drums.
2. Any difference, either more or less, between the weight of the goods actually loaded and the weight ascertained at discharge, shall be for account of Inspection company, and is to be settled at the price upon which their commission has been collected. The method of weighing at loading and discharge and the weights ascertained must be agreed by Inspection company or their representatives.
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- Parent Category: Contract Negotiation
- Category: Inspection Services
- Hits: 9764
General Conditions for Inspection and Testing Services
1. The Company undertakes to provide services in accordance with these general conditions (hereinafter called General Conditions) and accordingly all offers or tenders of service and all resulting contracts, agreements or other arrangements will in all respects be governed by these General Conditions, unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing except only to the extent that the law of the place where such arrangements or contracts are made or carried out shall preclude any of the General Conditions and in such case the said local law shall prevail wherever, but only to the extent that, it is at variance with these General Conditions.
2. The Company acts for the person or body from whom the instructions to act have originated (hereinafter called the Client). No other party is entitled to give instructions, particularly on the scope of inspection or delivery of report or certificate, unless so authorised by the Client. The Company is irrevocably authorised by the Client to deliver at its discretion the report or the certificate to a third party where so instructed by the Client or where it implicitly follows from circumstances, trade custom, usage or practice.
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- Parent Category: Contract Negotiation
- Category: Inspection Services
- Hits: 10604
1. Purpose. The purpose of the instructions is to define the main steps to be taken during the inspections of loading and unloading of vegoils and fats in bulk.
2. Scope. This instructions applies to the following.
Types of transshipment:
- Delivering from tanks by volumes
- Loading from road / rail vehicles
- Loading from ship, coaster, barge
- Receiving to shore tanks by volume
- Receiving to barges
- Receiving to road / rail vehicles
Scope of works:
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- Parent Category: Contract Negotiation
- Category: Inspection Services
- Hits: 10714
This instructions applies to the following types of vehicles: Sea-going vessel; Coaster; Barge.
General guidelines for Ship’s Hold Inspection.
Before starting the inspection, be aware of the requirements the hold have to meet according to the charter party. As a rule they have to be clean and dry, free from rust and remainders of previous cargoes. In addition, the water-tightness of the hatch covers may be stipulated.
When inspecting the holds, be strict and thorough even if, by doing so you are put under pressure because you may delay the start of the loading operations. In any case, in most situations the vessel will not have her readiness accepted unless all holds approved for loading.
If the vessel cannot possibly meet the requirements of the charter party, contact Head Office, because the Client may have good reasons either to definitely reject the ship or to accept her as such under the given circumstances.
Every inspection should be made jointly with the master. Hold Inspection Bill at Loading to be issued upon completion of the inspection and signed by the master. If you have to reject one or more holds, make a written statement to be countersigned by the master and agree with him in writing on the date and time a further inspection will be made.
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- Parent Category: Contract Negotiation
- Category: Inspection Services
- Hits: 10789
ESTABLISHING QUANTITY OF CARGO LOADED OR DISCHARGED. Methods of weighing bulk cargoes ashore, draft survey procedures, reasons for unexpected results. Shorebased methods of weighing. THE QUANTITY of cargo loaded aboard a bulk carrier can be measured in a variety of ways. The only method which directly involves the ship's personnel is the draft survey, but before considering this method in detail it is worth giving brief consideration to methods which may be used ashore. An understanding of these methods will help in assessing their reliability.
Electronic weighing of cargo on conveyor belt:
The most common method of weighing used at modern loading terminals is the belt scale. This device continuously weighs the material on a selected length of the loading conveyor belt and multiplies this instantaneous weight value by the belt speed. The signal thus obtained is at all times proportional to the rate of material flow on the belt. Some commercial belt scales rely on magneto-elastic load cells. These devices rely upon the fact that the magnetic characteristics of steel are affected by mechanical stress.
The accuracy of a belt scale depends largely on the design of the conveyor and the way it is maintained. Provided that the conveyor conforms to specified basic requirements for design and operation, an accuracy of better than
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- Parent Category: Contract Negotiation
- Category: Inspection Services
- Hits: 9023
The purpose of the instructions is to define general procedure to be applied during supervision of weighing of grain in bulk.
This procedure describes the following types of scales: Weigh hoppers and automatic spilling systems; Motor truck and railroad track scales.
Though it is clear that weighing should conduct to a determination of the weight of goods, it is important to take into account for what purpose the result is needed. The use to be made of the weights specifies either the acceptability of a certain type of scale or the accuracy to be required.
Process and inventory controls. Only ask for a rough and rapid determination of the quantity produced or stored. A process control may also be needed to regularizes the flow of materials. Such installations are normally incorporated in the bulk handling conveyor system. Accuracy tolerances up to +/- several percents are acceptable.
Determination of weights for calculation of freight costs. Railway companies of certain countries determine the weight of wagons and/or complete trains by in-motion weighing. Most weighbridges demand uncoupling of railway wagons for individual weighing.
Shipping companies base freight costs very often on weights determined roughly by a draft survey.
Determination of commercial weights.